Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions
Q. Can any child come here?
A. We provide outstanding care and education to children from birth to five years of age with a wide range of needs including children with complex needs, speech and language delays, physical delays, autistic spectrum disorders, visual and hearing impairments, undiagnosed conditions and rare conditions.
Q. Do you have therapists on site?
A. No, but we work in partnership with health and social welfare professionals involved in our children’s care, including speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists and more, and we also refer directly in to many of these services where required.
Q. What is the SEND Code of Practice?
The SEND Code of Practice is statutory guidance for organisations that work with and support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Everything we do is based on the principle of helping every child reach their full potential.
Q. How can you help my family?
A. At Peter Pan we are here for the whole family. We provide respite when children are in our care, training courses, signposting to other services, help with application forms, a transition service, support at meetings, stay and play groups, social activities and more.
Q. Will you help me find a school place?
A. Our transition service helps parents and carers to visit potential schools, both mainstream or special education, as well as other settings such as private day nurseries. We support our families through the EHCNA and EHCP process and we plan transition with the family and the setting to ensure a smooth, anxiety-free, next-step to education.
Q. What is the EYFS?
We deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) which aims to ensure every child gets the best possible start in life and support that enables them to fulfil their potential. The four overreaching principles of the EYFS are unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments and learning and development.
Q. How are you funded?
A. We are almost entirely funded by the generosity of our local community and grant funders. We work hard to ensure secure ongoing sustainable income. We actively fundraise in order to raise monies to provide our life-changing service each year.
Q. Do I have to stay with my child?
A. No. Once your child is settled you are welcome to leave your child with our experienced qualified staff. You may stay on site – we have a parents room where you can relax – or you can go offsite if you prefer.
Q. Do I have to pay anything?
A. As we are a charity, we charge a small fee for our social activities and stay and play group. For sessions, we accept 2 and 3-and-4 year old funding. Where children who aren’t yet eligible for funding or use their entitlement at another setting, please contact us for up-to-date prices. We are committed to ensuring that our prices are as low as possible, and as a charity raising 80% of our income from voluntary donations, we encourage our communities to support the work we do.
Q. Do you have specialist seating available?
A. Yes, we have a variety of specialist equipment and seating. If your child needs a specific piece of equipment then we will try to arrange it for you.
Q. How many children are in each session?
A. Sessions are grouped by need rather than age and the number of children in each session can vary from 5 to 10 children.
Q. How can I find out more?
A. To find out more about our sessions, please call our Early Years team on 01782 715219. To find out more about our family support service and our stay and play groups, please call Kirsty on 01782 715219. To find out more about fundraising, please call Jo on 01782 715219.
Q. Do you have a prospectus?
A. Yes, you can view our prospectus here.
Q. Can I view your policies?
A. Yes. You can find our policies here.