
Our local businesses
are an integral part of
our Peter Pan family


Our local businesses are an integral part of our Peter Pan family

We’ve been helping some of the most vulnerable children across our region for over 50 years. Without people like you, this would not have been possible.

Whether you choose us as your Charity of the Year, or join us at one of our fundraising events, we are always grateful for your support.

Not only do our children and families benefit, your team also benefit from the ‘feel good factor’ of helping a small, local children’s charity with a big reputation!

Charity of the Year Partnership

The Peter Pan Centre wants to build long-lasting, sustainable, mutually-beneficial partnerships with the local business community. Our partnership program aims to nurture a relationship, ensuring we meet your business needs, have some fun and raise vitally needed funds. Join with us and give some of our most vulnerable local children the best start in life.


Employee Fundraising

Build staff morale by challenging teams or individuals to organise fundraising events, or challenge themselves by doing something adventurous like sky diving or the three peaks challenge.

Payroll Giving

One of the simplest and most tax efficient ways to give – we can set up a payroll giving account which your staff can opt into should they wish to help.


If your business is thinking of collecting items for our children, we’d love to hear from you. Please give Claire a call on 01782 715219 or drop her a line at to chat about your ideas. Because we are a charity that helps children aged birth to five with learning disabilities, it’s best to talk to us first before you organise a collection, so we can help you to identify the sort of things our families and children need and enjoy.

Alternatively, why not check out our Amazon wish list of items we would like for our nursery room and garden.


Free some time for your staff to come into our Centre and help us with projects like decorating or gardening.

Or help us cover events such as stalls, fairs and bag packs to help us raise additional income.


Gifts in Kind / Event Sponsorship

Help us fill a raffle or an auction by donating items which we can turn into much-needed funds. Lend us your expertise and donate your business services. Promote your business and sponsor an event.

Corporate Donations

Donations can be made to: The Peter Pan Centre Ltd, 10763445, 09-02-22. Thankyou.