To all our amazing supporters – we need your help!

The Peter Pan Centre Charity Golf Day in Hawkstone is fast approaching, Friday 28th June. We are so pleased to announce that this year is a sell out, and sold out in record time (thanks to Giliker Flynn Independent Wealth Ltd and amb insurance services ltd in particular for helping with that!). But we now want to make the day as fun and as successful as possible, so am asking whether anyone has anything they are able to kindly donate, or knows anyone who can, to our raffle and charity auction.
Big or small, any prizes will help us raise more money so we can continue supporting our amazing children and families.
Please get in touch if you can help – we’d be forever grateful! 🙏
And thank you already to those who have supported us with gifts and donations already Moddershall Oaks Spa Stoke City Football Club Paragon Group Katie Tams Andy Mathews Keele University 💜