Claire Addis

Fundraising Manager

I have Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Geography and Economics, but discovered my love of charities when I spent a year volunteering across the globe. I’ve been fundraising for charities ever since, working in the sector for 20 years now! Together with Catherine, I will be work to ensure that we can continue to give some of our most vulnerable local children the best start in life.

When I’m not pestering people to jump out of a plane or sit in a bath of baked beans, I love spending time with my husband, two daughters, two cats and two rats (yes, I do manage to have cats and rats in the same house!)

Claire has been a member of the Peter Pan team since January 2024

I work in the fundraising office with Catherine and Jackie

I’ve worked in fundraising for over 20 years

I love raising funds to support our amazing families and children!